July 13, 2013

Find A Scholarship Now

Is education in your future? Going to school is costly, but if you can find a scholarship it means that you can save big bucks.

Scholarships offer financial aid to a specific student. Donors, founders, and organizations create scholarships to reflect their values, goals, and missions. Scholarships are rewarded for various reasons – merit, financial need, career specific, college specific, athletic based, or student specific. The best thing about scholarships is that they do NOT need to be repaid.

Learn more about financial aid on JobMonkey

You need to research scholarships well in advance of when you need them – many have deadline dates. Typically scholarships are offered annually or by semester. They may cover all of your costs or just a portion – either way they are a huge bonus in funding your educational goals.

To apply for a scholarship you first need to research what scholarships you might be eligible for. One great scholarship resource is FastWeb. Fastweb helps you sort through over 1.5 million scholarships that offer over $3 billion dollars. Of course, you won’t be eligible for all of those scholarships, but hopefully some.

You can also get scholarship advice from guidance counselors, specific schools, or Google. Most of the information out there is available for free. You’ll be shocked at how many scholarship options there are, but beware that there will be plenty of competition. Never count on a scholarship until you are actually awarded it.

You can learn more about financial aid, including some scholarship search tactics on JobMonkey.

Education is valuable. It’s wise to invest in your future and set yourself up for a cool career. Try to apply for a scholarship today.

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