February 1, 2014

25 Hot Skills That Will Make You Instantly Stand Out

It’s 2014 and people want and need jobs. So what makes you stand out to a recruiter? Why not develop the skills that got other people hired? Thanks to LinkedIn, you can do just that.

LinkedIn is the heart and soul of professional social media. It’s a job networking site, job search function, information exchange, and profile site all rolled into one awesome resource. If you’re a job seeker, you better be on LinkedIn. Recruiters will check out your profile. LinkedIn is one of the easiest and best places to highlight your experiences, skills, organizations, education and anything else you want. If you don’t have a LinkedIn account you need one. JobMonkey has a LinkedIn profile. Do you?

In a recent LinkedIn blog post, they look at over 259 million LinkedIn profiles to explore the skills and work history of the people who are getting hired. Here are the 25 Hottest Skills That Got People Hired In 2013:

  1. Social Media Marketing
  2. Mobile Development
  3. Cloud and Distributed Computing
  4. Perl/Python/Ruby
  5. Statistical Analysis and Data Mining
  6. User Interface Design
  7. Digital and Online Marketing
  8. Recruiting
  9. Business Development/Relationship Management
  10. Retail Payment and Information Systems
  11. Business Intelligence
  12. Data Engineering and Data Warehousing
  13. Web Programming
  14. Algorithm Design
  15. Database Management and Software
  16. Computer Graphics & Animation
  17. C/C++
  18. Middleware and Integration Software
  19. Java Development
  20. Software QA and User Testing
  21. PR and Communications
  22. Software Engineering Management
  23. Information Security
  24. Strategy and Strategic Planning
  25. Storage Systems and Management

That’s quite an impressive list of skills. Which ones are on your resume or LinkedIn profile? According to the blog, it seems that these skills indicate that:

  • Technology skills are highly valued.
  • We live in a data-driven world.
  • Businesses are looking to grow.

Obviously the skills you need to develop for yourself depend on your career choices and job search. If you’re seeking an outdoor oriented position, you may not need any of these skills. Maybe you’ll need first aid certifications, leadership, and foreign language skills.

The skills you need to be successful vary by industry and job. This list from LinkedIn only indicates a trend in the skills that got people hired in 2013. Will you choose to develop any of these skills in the future? That’s up to you.

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