February 28, 2009

In the News: Green Industries Hiring in Scotland

According to Scotland’s The Herald newspaper, green jobs aren’t just on the rise in the U.S., but in the U.K. as well. The British company Centrica recently announced plans to create 1,500 new green jobs, from engineering positions to green collar assignments. Jobs will include energy efficiency advisers and wind farm installers.

On Monday, I posted about four recession-proof careers and working for green industries definitely made the list. According to economic experts, as many as three to five million new green jobs will be created in the U.S. over the next decade.

If you are interested in learning more about going green to make green, check out JobMonkey’s extensive section on Green Collar Jobs. And if you think you might want to pursue your environmentalism on foreign soil, start your search with a look at JobMonkey’s section on Work Abroad Jobs.

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