October 17, 2008

What I’m Reading This Week

I’m a little short on time this week, so I’ll dispense with the pleasantries and get right to my link love.  Hopefully you’ll find some good information — or a source of inspiration — here:

>> Recessions are the Best Times for Businesses.

This post comes from freelance writing guru, James Chartrand, whose (wildly) successful blog, Mens With Pens, ought to be a first stop for any of you interested in launching a freelance writing career. (Remember, I announced on Monday that JobMonkey had launched its newest job niche: freelance writers?) In fact, I suspect his insights will be featured here a lot in the future — since not only is his advice apt for writers, but for freelancers of all different stripes.

>> The Silver Lining. This Newsweek article is neither a blog, nor a job-search related article, but it was too good to pass up. Maybe you’ll see the silver living, too, after reading it!

>> Job Hunting Is, and Isn’t, What It Used To Be is all about looking for (and finding) jobs online.  I found this great New York Times piece via Lindsey Pollak’s blog (thank you!)

>> What the Recruiter Wants to Know (vs. What You Need to Say) @ Career Hub relates nicely to my post from last week about how to hire a headhunter. Some great tips here for how to handle that sit-down with your recruiter-to-be.

>> 7 Ways to Improve Your Marketability @ Jobacle.com has some great suggestions for making sure that you are a recession-proof commodity. Some of them aren’t so practical in the short-term (like "learn a foreign language" — I mean, really, most people can’t pick up Mandarin Chinese in a fortnight!), but most of them are spot-on tips for staying current and relevant in a rather stressed-out job market.

That’s it for me this Friday. I hope you all have a great and productive weekend. If there is a blog or an article that you’ve found especially helpful in your job search, please leave us a comment about it below.

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