January 7, 2011

How to know when it’s time for a new job?

Fairly often we all get caught up in our favorite pastime of complaining about work.  Maybe it’s the office itself, the boss, the company, the co-workers – doesn’t matter, it feels good to vent!  All of us unite under the one rule of work-related ranting: The grass in greener on other side.

So how do we know if our complaints are actually justified or not?  Is there greener grass out there for us to pasture?  If so how do we get ourselves a piece of that lush green grass?

Evaluate your current position

It’s hard not to slip into a sea of negativity and discontentment.  Take a moment to honestly evaluate your employer and your job by making a list of things you don’t like about your job, along with things that you feel are important.  For example, are working conditions good?  Do you feel like your boss listens to you or cares about you?

After, eliminate everything that you know is unreasonable to ask of a company.  Try putting yourself in the employer’s shoes, and determine what you would offer.  Also be conscious of what the company you work for can actually afford to give.  Once you go through this exercise, it should be easier to see if your expectations are too high, or there actually needs to be a change in your current employment.

Consider the Perks

When checking out companies and their various employee perks and benefits, you are not necessarily looking for the most popular companies with the most perks, but the one that matches up to your needs.  For example, for recent graduates looking to get hired, a lot of well known companies have decreased many of their entry level positions due to the economic slide.  Few companies will have every perk, so choose which is the most valuable, whether it’s salary, career training, health care benefits, or an onsite gym.

Search for greener pastures

If you’ve already established your jobs is less than great, then you are  probably wondering: Where do people find great jobs?  If you know a great company, contact their HR, and meet them personally.  Or, check out the JobMonkey’s newest section on the Best Employers to Work For. Also stay on top of employment trends, keep up with your social networks (facebook, twitter, blogs, etc.).

Know what you are looking for

How do you know you’ve found a really awesome job?  The best time to glean information is during the interview. Find out what kind investment companies make when hiring and training employees, so you know what to expect in terms of career development and promotions.  See if your voice and opinions would be heard, and contribute to the growth of the company, when you have a share in the company’s stock it really makes you a part of the business.

You also need to know that you will be able to balance life outside of work, that the company will be understanding and afford you days off when you really need it.  Make sure to weigh all the benefits the company offers with it’s salary, certain companies don’t offer a high salary until you weigh all the benefits, and it may actually be more than double the salary.

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