September 22, 2013

Stay Trendy With Infographic Resumes

We always say to make your resume stand out, but how do you do that?

One way you can stand out and update the boring old resume you created in Text or Word is to make an infographic resume. Infographic resumes use charts, images, and graphs to creatively display your professional information. Before we go any farther, check out this awesome selection of infographic resumes on Pinterest.

Inspired? Infographic resumes are mainly used by designers and graphic artists, but anyone can create one. They offer the opportunity to combine your portfolio, creativity, and resume. (Get resume tips here). Sometimes infographic resumes are printed, but typically they are digital so that hyperlinks and logos can immediately offer recruiters more information about you.

Infographic resumes aren’t exactly mainstream yet, but they are growing in popularity. Many employers welcome the creative resume, but some do not. It may depend on the type of job for which you are applying. If you are keen to make your resume stand out, why not include both an infographic and a “boring” resume? That way if the employer uses a resume screening program, your resume’s keywords will still be acknowledged.

If you are ready to eliminate the boredom from your resume, then check out these companies that can help you create your own:

Learn more about infographic resumes from this USNews article.

Be sure to consider an infographic resume before you apply for your next job.

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