February 16, 2014

Be Sure To Research Your Potential Employer

There is no doubt about it – finding a job is hard work. It takes time, energy, and motivation. You have to find a job listing. Write a cover letter. Prepare your resume. Send in an application. Cross your fingers that you land a job interview. And hope you get a job offer. Often you’ll have to do this multiple times before you get hired. It can be frustrating, but it’s a process that everyone has to go through.

The one step that is most often overlooked is researching your potential employer. Choosing the right employer is  the key to a happy work life. If you pick the wrong employer, you might be totally miserable. It’s super important to do your research to ensure that you’ll look forward to going to work.

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It’s your job to research your potential employer. No one will do it for you. It’s a smart move that every job seeker needs to do.  Make a list of what you want to discover. Some potential questions might be:

  • How does the employer treat employees?
  • What benefits are offered?
  • Is the employer honest? Trustworthy? Successful?
  • How well does the employer pay?
  • Are their opportunities for personal or professional growth?
  • Does your employer offer telecommuting options?
  • What is the company’s mission?
  • How is company viewed by others in the industry?
  • Does the company offer training?

You’ll have specific questions that you’ll want to find answers to when you’re job searching. Be sure to get the answers before you accept the job. Take advantage of Google. When you’re ready to research your potential employer, try these places:

  • Company Website
  • Industry Web Sites
  • Job Forums
  • Professional Organizations
  • Company Reports, Brochures, or Newsletters
  • Former Employees
  • Better Business Bureau
  • Employee References
  • JobMonkey Industry Guides and Job Board
  • Personal Visit To Office

Researching your potential employer is a commonly missed step in the job search process. Be sure to add it to your list of things to do. There are several phases of research too. Before you apply for a job, you need to have a good idea of what a company is all about. Once you’ve lined up your interview, it’s time to dig deeper. Gather specifics to ask questions during the interview process (This will make you look good!). Try to decide if this is a company you really want to work for. When you’re offered a job, it’s time to research with a fine tooth comb to see if this the right employer for you.

Spend the time to research your potential employer. It may be tedious, but it will definitely pay off. Use the information you find to make the right decision for you. Good luck!

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