August 18, 2009

Tuesday Tips: 3 Free Web Apps to Help You Find a Job

If you are in the market for a new job, free web apps are a great way to increase your efficiency while saving you money. With a growing number of free web applications, you can streamline your job search with applications downloaded right to your computer or handheld device. Here are three applications you should know about:

1. Worksolver

Worksolver is a great solution for keeping your networking contact straights. Its associative linking interface is combined with powerful tracking and management tools to help you to get your job search networking contacts working for you!

2. Payscale

Not sure how the job offer you just received stacks up? It’s time to do some research. Not sure where to turn? Try Payscale. It gives you salary-reports based on job title, education, experience, and even location.

3. Jibber Jobber

Any job seeker can benefit from Jibber Jobber — especially if organization is not your middle name!  Jibber Jobber will help you to organize your job search, track networking connections, target companies and leads, and follow up on job applications.

Have you found a great web app to help with your job search? Please tell me about it in the comments section!

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