August 11, 2013

Alternative Work Schedules

Are you bored with the 9 to 5 routine? Being a cubicle warrior is frustrating. Did you know that 30% of workers don’t follow the typical 40 hour work week schedule? Alternative work schedules are new and trendy.
There has been a growing trend in alternative work schedules in recent years. Compressed work weeks, rotating shifts, graveyard schedules, weekend jobs, telecommuting, non-fixed, and seasonal schedules are the new trend.

Would you prefer to work 4 10 hours day and have a 4 day work week? Or maybe 2 weeks on, 2 weeks off fits your lifestyle better? Nurses, firefighters, oil field workers, ski patrollers, and freelancers are just a few of the professions that get to work alternative schedules.

Millions of people already do this. It’s a great move for you and your employer because different people are productive at different times. Having a flexible work schedule allows you to prioritize.

Now a alternative work schedule isn’t for everyone. If you have to be in meetings or are tied to deadlines and teamwork, it might not be for you. But even some of this can be accomplished with the use of technology. Consider your job, is a flexible schedule a possibility?

If so, try to convince your boss. Ask her if it would be an acceptable work practice. Have a plan and make a convincing proposal. Show her how it will benefit all parties. You may even want to take advantage of the sample flexible work schedule proposal on the BLS website. Did you know the federal government is a strong proponent of the alternative work week? It saves them money.

It ultimately comes down to the question – can you get your work done on time?

Find your next cool job that has an alternative work schedule on JobMonkeyJobs. Good luck!

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