October 5, 2013

13 Things People Forget To Include On A Resume

Resumes tell recruiters who you are, what you’ve done, and why you’re unique. It’s a super important component of any job search and you should spend lots of time making it look good to ensure that it will make you stand out. How’s your resume look?

Ideally, you customize your resume for every job search. Matching your resume to the job description increases your chances of getting the job. It’s also good to keep your resume up-to-date even when you’re not searching for jobs. However you manage your resume is up to you, but remember the resume is the key to landing an interview and eventually getting hired.

It’s hard to write an impressive, concise resume. In fact, there are even people who make their living as resume writers. If you’re forgetful, use one. If you write your own, here are 13  things people forget to include on their resume:

  1. Contact Info – Email, Phone, Website
  2. Name – If the recruiter doesn’t know your name, well, good luck.
  3. Accomplishments – Awards, articles, speeches, recognitions – these things make you stand out.
  4. Education – Recruiters want to know if you went to school.
  5. Action Words – Exciting words help bring your resume to life.
  6. Travel – This is especially important if it fills in gaps in your employment history or it helps define you.
  7. Sports – Do you play sports? Being on a team can show that you have some drive.
  8. Keywords – Jobs are all about keywords. Use the keywords from the job listing in your resume.
  9. Relevant Coursework – This is especially important for entry level job seekers.
  10. Freelance Projects – Any work you’ve completed should be mentioned.
  11. Personal Blogs – That’s the web presence that we keep talking about!
  12. Volunteer Work – Recruiters want to know how you spend your time, if you’re a volunteer let them know.
  13. Organizations & Associations – Professional memberships are a big bonus especially if they are related to your job search.

Remember recruiters usually only spend a few seconds looking at your resume. Impress them ASAP and absolutely make sure that you haven’t forgotten anything important!

Did you know you it’s easy to manage your resume when you set up an account on JobMonkeyJobs? Try it today.

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