August 25, 2013

11 Things To Remove From Your Resume Right Now

When was the last time you updated your resume? It’s important to do before you search for a job. Ideally you should keep your resume fresh. Keep it up to date so that when you need to apply for a job your resume is ready to send off.

Your resume tells your story so that recruiters can quickly learn about who you are and what you have done. They want to get to know about what you have been up to recently.

People try to fill their resume to make it look more impressive, but there are certain things that you should remove from your resume right now:

  1. Out-Dated Jobs – Delete things that are over 10 years old, unless the experience directly relates to your application. Keep your work history relevant, interesting, or chronological – you choose.
  2. SAT / ACT scores – This helps in the college search, but not necessary with the job search
  3. Girl or Boy Scout Awards – This is not necessary or relevant information for most jobs
  4. GPA – Unless you’re an honor student, this is not a deciding factor for a recruiter
  5. Marital Status – This should not matter to a recruiter
  6. References – If you have extra room, then maybe include this. Otherwise only supply this information when asked.
  7. Languages Spoken – This is good to include but only if you fluent.
  8. Pictures – Unless you’re exceptionally good looking and you’re applying to be a model or movie star, then a picture is useless.
  9. Too Many Contact Details – Do include your mailing address, telephone, cell, website, and email. It may be time to ditch the fax number or physical address. It confuses recruiters and makes it hard for them to get in touch with you.
  10. Typos / Errors – This may seem obvious, but proofread your resume! Don’t lose out on an interview because you can’t spell.
  11. Overused Buzzwords – Everyone says they are efficient, creative, or effective. Use different words and action verbs. Show your worth through examples and statistics. This will impress a recruiter.

Now this list is not definitive. Everyone’s situation is different so be sure to use your judgement when you decide what to include on your resume. You can discover a few more things to delete from your resume on CareerSolvers.

Remember that recruiters may spend less than 10 seconds looking at your resume. Eliminate the junk. Highlight the important stuff. Go and update your resume today. It’s easy to do on your JobMonkeyJobs Account.

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