October 10, 2013

Earn Your Next Paycheck With The Trucking Industry

You may not know it, but the freight and trucking industry is a major part of your life already. It could also be your employer. Next time you’re on the road, count how many trucks you see.  Trucks are always crisscrossing our country, and the world, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. They transport nearly everything you can imagine to ensure that it’s easy to get whatever you need.

According to TruckInfo.net, there are 3.5 million truckers in the US and 8.9 million people employed in this industry. They estimate that 1.2 million trucking companies exist in the US (that’s a ton of employers to choose from!). Those truckers drive billions of miles each year and bring in hundreds of billions of dollars. The freight and transportation industry is big business and they are always looking for qualified truck drivers and support staff.

Do you want to learn more about the trucking industry? We have tons of details on this niche  our JobMonkey Industry Guides.

Trucking jobs are here to stay. They are the lifeline of our economy. Freight and transportation companies like these are in need of people like you:

Working in the trucking industry is a cool way to earn a paycheck. Why not start your search for a trucking job today?

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