April 18, 2016

Get Hired With These Tips And Tricks For Video Interviews

In today’s world, technology allows companies to search for job candidates all over the world. The job market is now filled with a global field of potential candidates. Anyone can apply for any job anywhere in the world. If they’re qualified, they’ll probably end up having a video interview.

Video Interview on tablet picture

A video interview utilizes an Internet connection and a webcam to conduct the job interview. Have you had one yet? It’s the same idea as when you call you Grandmother on Skype or touch base with your parents via Facetime while you were teaching English abroad. All you have to do is log-in to Google Hangout, Facetime, Skype, or some other webcam software from your desktop, laptop, smartphone, or tablet and you can have a video chat anytime and anywhere.

Video interviews are just like an in-person interview except that it’s more convenient for all parties involved. Companies save time and money, while you can interview from the comfort of your home or even while on vacation. It’s crazy how common video interviews are becoming – they are definitely one of the types of job interviews that you might encounter.

Usually video interviews are interactive conversations between you and a recruiter via a webcam. But sometimes you utilize webcam software to film yourself answering predetermined questions. It’s up to the company to decided what is best for them. And don’t worry, they’ll usually supply instructions on how to perform a video interview in case you’ve never done one.

To make sure your video interview is a success, here are some tips and tricks for video interviews:

  • Pick the Location – Video interviews are all about location. You need to be in a place where you can speak freely, without distractions, that looks professional, and that has Internet.
  • Create An Interview Atmosphere – Remember that anything your camera can see, the job interviewer can see too. If you’re doing the job interview in your college dorm room, take down the prayer flags, remove any trash, and don’t let your roommate wander around.
  • Think About Lighting – Lighting plays a major role in how you are portrayed on screen. Make sure your face is illuminated so that you look good.
  • Look At The Camera, Not At The Screen – It may seem logical, but look at the camera. That’s how you maintain eye contact with the job interviewer. Don’t look at the screen, even if that’s where the interviewer’s picture is located.
  • Dress The Part – It’s a job interview and you need to dress appropriately. Shirt and tie may be necessary. Dress the same way you would if you were going to an in-person interview.
  • Eliminate Distractions – Video interviews need to be distraction free. Get someone to take your dogs on a walk, turn off all apps on your computer, shut down your phone ringer, and lock your roommates out of the house. Make sure nothing can distract you from the most important thing on your to-do list: the job interview.
  • Test Your Technology – A video interview is only as good as the technology and internet connection that you use. Make sure that you can log-in and use any software that the interviewer wants to use before hand. Give your parents or your friend a video call the morning of the video interview to makes sure the camera, sound, and microphone works as planned.
  • Plan Ahead – Send the interviewer any information they need ahead of time – like a copy of your resume or portfolio. Coordinate days and times that will work for the video interview and double check the day before to ensure you are still good to go.
  • Treat It Like An In-Person Job Interview – All the usual job interview rules apply to job interviews – body language, interview preparation, eye contact, etc.. We won’t go into all of those here, but you can learn all about job interviews on JobMonkey.com

Video interviews are the way of the future. If you haven’t had a video interview yet, you will soon. While it may seem intimidating, it’s just a job interview done through the Internet. Use the video interview tips in this post and you’ll be sure to beat out the competition for the job.

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