January 26, 2014

13 Careers That Require A Portfolio

Do you have a portfolio? If your job search includes certain careers, you better make sure that your portfolio ready.

A portfolio organizes, highlights, and documents your experience and skills. It’s an important ingredient for your job search if you are applying for jobs, asking for a raise, or building a web presence. There are certain careers where a portfolio is more important than others. Here are a few:

  1. Modeling
  2. Writing
  3. Advertising Creative
  4. Photographer
  5. Graphic Designer
  6. Website Designer
  7. Make-Up Artist
  8. Artist
  9. Interior Designer
  10. Videographer
  11. Cake Decorator
  12. Video Game Designer
  13. Computer Programmer

Your portfolio should be used as a marketing tool to highlight what you are capable of. It is important to have both a hard copy and a online copy. A hard copy  can be brought to interviews. An online portfolio can be emailed with job applications, it can be put on a website for the masses to see your hard work, or it can be linked to on your resume for recruiters to access easily. Make sure your portfolio is readily accessible.

Portfolios may consist of advertisements you created, modeling images you’re proud of, cakes you designed, websites you crafted, or videos you captured. The key is to know your niche, your skills, and your talents. Your portfolio should act as your own personal highlight reel.

A portfolio is the single most important piece of the job search puzzle. Spend the time to create a portfolio that impresses recruiters and lands you your dream job. When your portfolio is ready, head over to the JobMonkey Job Board to apply for jobs.

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