June 18, 2010

Gulf Oil Spill Volunteering: Dos & Don’ts

MSNBC is reporting that an army of 19,000 contract workers (and some 5,000 volunteers) have swarmed the Gulf Coast to help with clean-up efforts from the BP oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico.

It would seem that pitching in to help clean up America’s worst disaster is on the minds and hearts of many of us.

Our post last month about volunteering for the Gulf Oil clean-up has definitely caught the attention of many of you, including some very magnanimous people looking to offer their voluntary services. If you want to contribute to the clean-up efforts, please note that the JobMonkey cannot directly hook you up with a volunteer organizations. Rather, start your search with our list of organizations that are accepting Gulf clean-up volunteers.

Also, we just posted oil spill response training information in our Oil Industry Jobs section. Go there to learn about HAZWOPER 40-Hour Training and OSHA 30-Hour classes.

You might also want to check out this blog post from Mother Nature Network, which features a great list of Do’s and Don’ts for people interested in volunteering, including these “do’s”:

  • Report oil sightings — They suggest you call (866) 448-5816 if you spot oil slicks from the shore, or (866) 557-1401 if you see oiled wildlife.
  • Donate funds — Be sure to look for reputable environmental organizations, such as the Environmental Defense Fund or the National Wildlife Federation. Any of the organizations accepting volunteers are also good candidates for your contributions.
  • Spread the word — Make your voice heard by attending demonstrations or turning to your social network. Talk about the Gulf oil cleanup on Facebook or Twitter, or blog about it (if you do, be sure to spam us with the link — we’d love to help you spread the word.)
  • Write your Members of Congress — Whether you think offshore drilling should be halted — or redoubled — now is the time to make your voice heard with your Senators and Congressmen. Another federal agency that might be useful to contact is the Environmental Protection Agency. And don’t forget to send your thoughts to President Obama, too!

Have you contributed your services, either as a volunteer or as a contract worker, to the Gulf clean up efforts? Share your experiences and offer your advice to other would-be volunteers!

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