Questions You Might Ask at a Second Interview

How would you describe the organizational style of this group?

How would you describe the professional environment here?

Where does this department fit in the company organization?

What degree of interdepartmental contact is there in this position?

What are transfer policies? What is covered in relocation reimbursement?

What are your travel policies?

What are the future plans for this department and the organization?

With whom would I be working and may I meet that person?

May I talk to the person who last held this job? Other members of the staff?

How many individuals will I supervise?

How has the department expanded in the last year?

What background and training do the department heads and their assistants have?

What functional area has been the major supplier of top management people?

Your library is extensive. Do you do a lot of research?

Are there any challenges of this position we haven’t discussed?

How long are typical assignments?

What type of performance review will I have? When?

When are salary reviews scheduled? What are they based on?

Can you tell me what pay range you have in mind for this job?

Is there a tuition reimbursement program?

Have you had layoffs or cost-reducing programs recently? Were the employees assisted in finding new employment?

I appreciate your offer. How soon do you need a decision?

May I let you know by (date)?


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