Job Search Overview
Writing resumes, networking, and interviewing for jobs can be an intimidating process, especially for first-time applicants. But it’s something every job seeker must face.

Preparation is the key to getting hired: The better prepared you are, the greater your chances of success. Remember, having a college degree is no longer a guarantee that you’ll immediately land a job in your chosen field. Even in a good economy, jobs can be tough to find. It’s also a fact that most resumes are used to screen out applicants. Learn how to avoid this and other job-seeking pitfalls by following the preparation steps outlined in this guide. Whether you seek a new career, a stepping stone to something better, or just a temporary position, this guide will lead you through the basic steps of job hunting with advice that gives you a head start on the competition.
The chart below represents the job search process presented in this guide. Through honest self-assessment, solid job and industry research, and a well-designed plan of action, you should be able to land yourself a rewarding job in the career of your choice.