How to Avoid Distance Learning Scams

There are plenty of courses available online. This includes individual courses and whole degree programs – from Associate’s Degrees up to Doctor’s Degrees.

Many of them, however, are not worth the cost – because they are not accredited.

If you are looking for either a Degree, or certification, then you will want to be sure that the school is accredited. Some colleges even fake their own accreditation boards, so you will actually need to check with the only website that will tell you which college is officially accredited – the Department of Education. Here is a website (also government) that will show you other important information about college accrediting.

You may also want to know that some colleges refuse to be accredited by state agencies. A lack of accreditation on their part does not necessarily show inferior quality, but it may be because of principles that they hold to – such as would be true in many religious schools. Also, there are many old schools – well known – that have never sought accreditation, either.  To learn more about accredited online degrees click the link.

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