September 22, 2017

How To Find Your Career Path

Do you know what you want to do with your life? It’s a tough question that everyone needs to seriously think about. Life’s too short to not pursue a career that you love. It’s time to dial in your career path and let your professional adventure begin.

Career path concept with people sitting around table

Having a job isn’t the same as having a career. This is an important distinction to make. A job is something that you do to earn a paycheck. A career is a journey through the professional world that allows you to achieve your long term professional goals while climbing the ladder in your niche. Often the jobs we have are stepping stones in our career path that lead us to new opportunities, higher paychecks, promotions, and more responsibilities.

What’s The Difference Between A Job And A Career?

Think about your current situation. Do you have a job? Or are you a career oriented person? We stumbled upon a press release from, that says that 55% of workers feel they have a job, not a career. The report states that 28% of workers say the hate or tolerate their job. They stay in these dead end situations because they need to pay the bills, need insurance, can’t find other opportunities, and other reasons.

If you’re unhappy in your current situation, you have the power to make a change. It’s time to find your career path, but how do you do that?

To find your career path, follow these steps:

  • Find Your Passion
  • Determine Your Strengths
  • Test The Waters
  • Seek A Mentor
  • Further Your Education
  • Build Your Resume
  • Set Goals
  • Earn Certifications
  • Develop Professionally
  • Get Promotions & Raises
  • Climb The Ladder

Building a career takes time and effort. Life can take you in a million different directions, but try to focus on one career path that will help you achieve success by finding professional roles that align with your interests and goals. If you start down one road and find you’d like to make a change, that’s ok. Change is good.

The key to finding your career path is to pursue a niche that makes you happy and to constantly strive to grow and develop as a professional. Climbing the ladder in your field of choice is a rewarding and exciting thing to do. It’s way better than just working for the sake of working.

Is it time to find your career path? Visit to learn about all sorts of cool careers that will make you smile.

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