Embassies and Consulates

An embassy is a diplomatic office established in one country by another country with which diplomatic relations have been established.

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A consulate is simply the regional branch of a country’s main embassy. You may have heard stories about Americans finding shelter in an American embassy during a crisis. This is done because, technically, the embassy building and its property are part of that embassy’s country. In other words, once you enter an American embassy, you are technically in a part of the United States and subject to its laws–and can enjoy its protection–no matter what country you are in.

The embassy is the place where the ambassador from the foreign country works, but it is also a place where travelers can go for information and services. These services include issuing passports and visas, providing information on cultural and educational opportunities, and generally fostering good relations between the two countries. Embassies work with governments, businesses, and other political and social groups to help nations work together in a spirit of cooperation.

Embassies and consulates can be very helpful sources of information during your travels abroad; on the other hand, you can also visit a foreign embassy in the United States or Canada to learn about that country’s people, culture, government, and tourism and travel information

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