July 26, 2015

You’re Fired! Now What?

People get fired all the time. It’s always unfortunate, but it’s also the nature of the business world. Cutbacks are common, contracts end, mistakes are made, situations unravel, and people lose their jobs. It’s part of life.

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No one wants to hear the words, “You’re Fired!” It’s a professional’s worst nightmare – like something out Donald Trump’s TV show The Apprentice. Getting fired can be a major set back to your self esteem. It means you’ll have to start the job search from scratch. Plus, you’re unexpectedly without a job or a paycheck. Yikes!

The 17 Fastest Ways To Get Fired

Before you panic, there are a few things you need to do and a few things that you absolutely do not want to do. Let’s start with what you don’t want to do when you’ve been fired:

  • Don’t panic. – Getting fired isn’t the end of the world. It could be the best opportunity you’ll ever have to discover what you want to do with your life.
  • Don’t feel sorry for yourself. – It happens. Stay positive and be sure to look on the bright side.
  • Don’t burn your bridges. – Keep this untimely incident professional. Don’t bad mouth your boss, co-workers, or company. You never know when you’ll need those contacts.
  • Don’t get revenge. – Even though revenge sounds nice, avoid it at all costs. Stop your urge to leave the job with a bang, play a practical joke, or steal useful office supplies. It will come back to haunt you.
  • Don’t blame anyone else. – Chances are good that you got fired for a reason. Accept that reason and learn from it. You won’t make the same mistake again.
  • Don’t broadcast your newfound unemployment. – The world doesn’t need to know you just got canned. Neither does Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram. Keep your situation to yourself, your close friends, and your family.

Even though you’ve gotten fired from one job, it’s important to realize that you already have a new full time job as a job seeker. Treat your job search like a full time gig and you’ll have a new job in no time. Now that you’re a full time job seeker, here are the things you need to do ASAP:

  • Make a plan. – Set yourself up for success. Make a plan for what you want to do next. Are you going to travel for a month? Find a job flipping burgers to get by? Or relocate for you dream job? It’s time to move on.
  • Update your skills, education, and certifications. – Now that you know what you want to do, it’s time to make sure you are qualified. Do you need a new professional certification or degree? Figure out what you need and earn it.
  • Establish a routine. – A proper routine helps you stay fresh and focused. Don’t fall into bad habits of partying, sleeping late, or ignore your health. Create a routine that will make you productive.
  • Determine how to explain your situation. – Don’t ignore the fact that you were fired. Figure out how you’re going to explain your situation when people ask what happened.
    Capitalize on any remaining benefits. – Even when you get fired, you still may be entitled to benefits like severance pay, health insurance, or unemployment. Take advantage of those benefits – you earned them.
  • Update your resume. – Get ready to market yourself to the world. Give your resume a facelift and get ready to apply for jobs.
  • Clean up your social media. – We all know that social media plays an important role in the job search. Make sure your online presence is job recruiter friendly.
  • Reach out to your network. – It’s time to utilize the network that you’ve been actively growing for so long. Figure out who works where. Use LinkedIn to find out how you can make connections for your dream job. Call in any favors. See who can help you with your next career move. If your network needs some work, here are the absolute best places to network.
  • Head to the job boards. – The Internet is a fantastic place to find out what jobs are available. Visit the JobMonkey JobCenter and you’ll be thrilled with how many domestic and international job opportunities exist.
  • Apply for jobs. – Focus your job search and start applying for jobs. This may take some time, but with strong job search strategies and a bit of luck you’ll find your dream job in no time.

This Is Why Employers Want To Hire You

There’s no doubt about it, getting fired is no fun. But when you know what to do and what not to do, it will be easy to set yourself up for success.

Need more tips to get your job search headed in the right direction? Head over to JobMonkey. You’ll be amazed at what you will find there!

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