February 17, 2011

The Value of Small Talk

I’ve never liked small talk, although I’ve always been good at. Bummer. It’s a law of the universe that whatever you do well you will be consigned to do repeatedly. So off I go into every crowd, smiling and chatting, feeling like my face will freeze in a toothy grin while my head explodes from […]

November 17, 2010

Holiday Stress Management Advice

Holiday stress? What stress? The holidays aren’t supposed to be anything but festive and light-hearted. Unless, of course, you live on planet Earth. Then you’ve got stress to deal with. Depending on your situation, the stress will range from being broke to enduring uncomfortable conversations with relatives you only see once a year. Are we […]

October 6, 2010

What is Job Security?

When you think of the term “job security,” what comes to mind? Do you get images of a 30-year career, capped with a retirement party and gold watch? Perhaps your mind goes to government jobs or union jobs, with their reputation for steadily advancing wages and Presidents’ Day off. Or maybe you just shrug your […]

September 21, 2010

Start a Business for the Right Reasons

A lot of people are starting side businesses these days, which I think is a terrific idea. Provided you don’t lose your shirt, you’re bound to benefit. After all,  running a business gives you a productive way to use your free time, provides experience in things like bookkeeping and marketing, and may even help you […]

August 27, 2010

Could Social Networking Sites Help You Find a Job?

If you’re hunting for a job, you’re probably already using the JobMonkey job database and other job search websites to look for opportunities. What you may not know is that sites like Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn can drastically help increase your success rate when applying to positions in your field. If you aren’t participating in […]

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