Tour Guide Industry Resources
Here are useful links to resources that will help you in your efforts to become a land tour guide and work in the tourism industry.
Books and Online Stores
This is another excellent resource for finding the best tourism and tour guide related books which can be purchased at various online bookstores.
Additional Land Tour Guide Information Websites

Visit the work abroad section of the Job Monkey website to learn more about what it takes to get a job overseas, what to expect, and how to go about applying for these jobs.
Check out Working Abroad Magazine where our tour guide expert, Lucian Duggan chats about his tour adventures, and what is required for working in various countries around the globe. He gives you the low-down on every aspect of touring.
Transitions Abroad is a comprehensive resource about working overseas including farm jobs, English teaching jobs, summer jobs abroad, tour jobs and more.
Land Tour Guide Job Board Websites
Cruise Ship Jobs @ CruiseJobFinder
Cruise Job Finder is the most comprehensive and authoritative site for finding out about how to work on cruise ships and provides over 150 pages of information about how to find jobs working on cruise liners including shore excursion guide jobs. Also be sure to check out the Tour Guide section of this website to discover in depth information about various tour guiding opportunities and jobs around the world.
Seasonal Travel and Tourism Jobs @ AlaskaJobFinder
Alaska’s summer season offers plenty of land tour employment opportunities that you can read about on Alaska Job Finder and discover what you need to do to work in Alaska, whether it is at Denali National Park or in Bristol Bay.
This search portal offers all tourism and travel related jobs in and around Europe. You can search by industry or location.
Get Tour Guide Jobs Employment Search Engine
This search engine is dedicated to posting tour guide jobs around the world and tour guides can also sign up to receive weekly tour guide job listings in their area.
This website connects travel professionals from all over the world allowing you to post your details as a tour guide or post tour guide jobs to members. Basic membership is free.
Land Tour Guide Associations and Organizations
World Federation of Tourist Guide Associations
This organization is the international platform for all tour associations to communicate. It provides resources, training sessions, conferences, and publishes newsletters to assist all tour guide professionals.
This association is on hand to provide tour guides with courses, training information and licensing information.
United States Tour Operators Association
The USTOA website provides information about all the licensed tour operators in and United States and compares various tours.
International Association of Antarctica Tour Operators
The IAATO offers tourism guidelines and resources for all registered tour guides and provides training and education links as well.
National Federation of Tourist Guide Associations
This association was established in 1998 as a collective of all tour guide associations around the United States to discuss issues pertaining to tourism and the tour industry. They focus on promoting education and training for tour guides.
Professional Tour Guide Association of Australia
This association is aimed at helping those who want to become tour guides, as well as providing information about tour guides to visitors to Australia.
Guiding Organizations of Australia
This is the umbrella body for the entire tour guide industry of Australia and provides information about all tour guide operations and associations, as well as information about training, accreditation, members and industry news.
Federation of South African Tourist Guide Associations
FSATGA is there to provide a comprehensive list of tour guide association members and provide news about the latest happenings in the South African tour guide industry.
Field Guides Association of Southern Africa
This association provides field guides with relevant information about their industry and they provide educational opportunities regarding conservation and environmental protection of Southern Africa.
European Federation of Tourist Guide Associations
This is the representing body of all tour guides in Europe, with members from all over Europe joining to ensure high standards and fair tour guide practice. It joins all associations and tour guide groups to form one collective body. It shows you all the ID and licensing requirements for every country in Europe and provides current news about the tourism industry.
Canadian Tour Guide Association of British Columbia
This is the official website of the tour guide association in Canada and is run on a voluntary basis. It lists all member tour guides in British Columbia and offers news about education, meetings, and more.
Scottish Tourist Guide Association
This association offers visitors and tour operations lists of accredited and licensed members. These are all tour guides operating inside Scotland.
Association of Approved Tourist Guides of Ireland
AATGI is the only association that represents all licensed and registered tour guides and tour directors in Ireland.
Association of Professional Tourist Guides
This is the representing body of tour guides in Great Britain, namely the Blue Badges. They are there to provide training and licensing of Blue Badge tour guides and to ensure that the Blue Badge high standard is upheld at all times.
Canadian Association of Tour Operators
CATO is the umbrella organization representing all outbound Canadian tour operators.
European Tour Operators Association
This is the political voice of the tour industry in Europe, offering workshops and seminars as well as keeping members informed about the changes and occurrences in the travel and tourism industry throughout Europe.
The International Ecotourism Society
This society is dedicated to offering education and advice about sustainable tour operators and eco friendly tourism around the world. There are links to conferences, exhibitions, and lists of over 500 organizations.
Land Tour Work Visa and Document Websites
They organize work visas over the summer months for Canadian students to work on land tour jobs in the United States.
Land Tour Guide Courses and Training
Cherie Anderson, featured in our On the Job section, offers this popular online tour management course, offered through more than 1,200 schools across the United States, Canada, Guam, and Australia.
International Tour Management Institute
ITMI has been offering tour guide and tour director training courses since 1976.
The International Guide Academy
This international training academy offers the most comprehensive and exclusive land tour guide training programs and support. We featured one of its founders, Lynette Hinings-Marshall on our Tourism Industry Networking page.
The Institute of Tourist Guides
This is the UK’s training center for those looking to be tour guides offering the various Blue Badge training modules that are required to become a licensed tour guide in the UK.
Lists of Other Tour Guide Associations and Organizations – Links to tour guide associations in Canada and the USA. – Links to 35 or more National Tourism Offices around Europe.