Reputable Volunteer Abroad Programs
Cosmos Education. A non-profit specializing in education in developing countries, Cosmos Education provides teaching opportunities throughout Africa. “Our curriculum focuses on the role of science and technology in health, the environment and sustainable development.”

Cross-Cultural Solutions. This organization’s flagship Volunteer Abroad program places participants in 12 countries with flexible start dates and durations. Their internship and insight programs also emphasize community development, education and responsible travel.
Enkosini Eco Experience. Enkosini offers specialized programs working with conservation and wildlife in Southern Africa. Projects include baboon sanctuaries, black rhino research, a penguin conservation centre, ORCA marine foundation and several game reserves.
Global Crossroads. Advertising “best pricing and value in 27 countries,” Global Crossroads’ affordable programs go to Africa, Asia and Latin America. Choose from Volunteer Abroad, Internship Abroad, Mini-Venture, Summer Escapes, Paid Teaching, Asia Combo, or Wildlife Volunteer options.
Global Volunteer Network. A New Zealand based company, GVN sends volunteers to destinations around the globe. Programs range from short-term commitments to intensive gap year experiences, and highlight global contributions with an eye to personal growth.
HelpX. HelpX puts travelers in contact with people needing help in exchange for room and board. This site caters to current travelers instead of offering specific programs, and provides great opportunities for short-term cultural exchanges on farms, in businesses and in homes.
Humana People to People. Humana People to People is “an international membership organization comprising 28 national associations.The members are non-profit organizations working in the field of international development and cooperation.” Projects include training teachers and farmers, building schools and fighting AIDS, and mainly take place in Africa.
I to I. Promising “life-changing travel” on their streamlined website, I to I offers a variety of volunteer programs in conservation, teaching and community development. Tours, internships and work opportunities are also available.
Global Medic Force. Teaches emerging countries how to help themselves through transfer of knowledge.
Madventurer. Madventurer organizes projects in Africa and South America that emphasize sustainable development projects. Volunteer programs range from five weeks to three months and generally include an “overland adventure” in addition to serious work.
Peace Brigades International (PBI). A non-profit encouraging “a strong commitment to nonviolence and a belief in the power of ordinary people to create a more peaceful and just world.” PBI’s programs bring international volunteers together in intense, long-term projects around the world.
Peace Corps. One of the original volunteer organizations, the U.S. government’s Peace Corps offers serious benefits for serious participants.
Service Civil International (SCI). SCI sends volunteers to short-term Workcamps around the world and also provides long-term volunteering opportunities. They hope that “living and working together in an international group helps to break down barriers and prejudices between nations.”
Universal Giving. A large organization, Universal Giving organizes its programs by focus area and region. Categories include children, gender and equality, human rights, conflict resolution, microfinance and disaster relief.
Village Volunteers. “Village Volunteers is a non-profit organization that works in partnership with rural village and capacity-building programs to support the development of sustainable solutions for community survival, education, and growth.” Programs go to Africa and India and address a wide variety of community issues.
Volunteer Adventures. A wide-ranging organization with programs in Africa, Asia and Latin America, Volunteer Adventures offers programs in conservation, teaching and community development.
Witness for Peace. Witness for Peace places volunteers in Latin American and the Caribbean to interact with local experts and policy makers towards decreasing conflict and oppression. Their “delegates” also participate in grassroots movements throughout the U.S. to bring attention to discord in these areas.
World-Wide Opportunities on Organic Farms (WWOOF). Like HelpX, this international organization connects travelers with hosts to receive room and board for help on the farm. With members across the world, WWOOF has a strong reputation for combining conservation and culture.