Other Jewish Employment Opportunities
While most jobs related to the Judaic faith are those of rabbi, cantor, or educator, there are other jobs available, mostly at other organizations like community centers or non-profit groups which were formed to provide support or services to people in the Jewish community.

There are also Jewish kosher restaurants, kosher food manufacturers, and many Jewish newspapers. While most of these jobs and their requirements are similar to their non-faith-based counterparts, the advantage to these is working in an environment where you are surrounded by others of the same faith, and you are providing services and products valuable to those in your faith community.
Community centers like the Jewish Community Center in Columbus, Ohio, provide a location for area residents to enjoy health and fitness activities. The Center has indoor and outdoor pools, gym and fitness equipment, and outdoor facilities for baseball, soccer, and other sports. The Center offers youth and adult programs, including pre-school and summer camps. Community centers hire people to help run the facility, programs, and for administrative duties. Non-profit organizations can include hospitals, philanthropists, and social service organizations. For example, The Jewish Community Federation of Cleveland identifies and funds social service, educational, and humanitarian activities in Cleveland and worldwide. Activities are funded by endowments, affiliated foundations, and an annual funding campaign. These organizations hire managers and administrative personnel. Larger organizations may also hire marketing and public relations professionals, volunteer coordinators, and grant writers, depending on their size and needs. Kosher restaurants and manufacturers manufacture, supply, and serve food that is prepared according to Judaic laws. Restaurants hire chefs or cooks, wait staff, and other personnel, while manufacturers hire people to prepare, inspect, and package the food, as well as sell inventory and maintain records and ensure the facility meets safety and health regulations. Jewish newspapers publish news related to the Judaic faith locally, nationally, and world-wide. Newspapers need writers, editors, advertising sales representatives, and administrative personnel. If you do not feel God is leading you to become a rabbi, cantor, or educator, but you would like to work for a Jewish organization, one of these jobs may be the right choice for you.
The overall outlook for jobs at community centers, especially for fitness workers, is excellent. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics predicts that the number of jobs for fitness workers will increase by 29 percent from 2008 levels, by the year 2018. This is mainly due to an increase in the number of people joining these facilities, as well as baby boomers who are retiring, yet want to stay healthy. Overall, the outlook for jobs at non-profit Jewish organizations is very good. The U.S. Department of Labor Statistics says that by 2018 the number of jobs at non-profit organizations is expected to increase by 40 percent over 2008 levels. The segments with the highest growth are those performing social services. When it comes to kosher restaurant jobs, the Bureau reports that the number of food and beverage service workers in the entire industry will increase by 10 percent by 2018. The overall outlook for those in the food manufacturing industry is not as encouraging. While the Bureau does not predict a cut in jobs, it says there will be no change at all in the number of jobs available. So those looking for jobs in this industry may face a great deal of competition. For those interested in Jewish newspaper jobs, the positions easiest to land will be administrative and office jobs. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics predicts that the number of advertising sales positions will only see average growth over the next several years, increasing by 7 percent by 2018. Administrative and office positions within media outlets will have a slightly better chance, since the number of general office positions across all industries is expected to increase by 11 percent by 2018. Employment of writers and editors is expected to grow 8 percent, about as fast as the average for all occupations, from 2008 to 2018.
Educational Requirements
If you are interested in working at a Jewish community center as a fitness instructor, you will not need to attend college to land a job. You will need to be a certified instructor. There are many certification organizations you can go through to earn your certificate. Make sure the one you choose is accredited by the National Commission for Certifying Agencies. To receive your certification you will have to pass a written exam, CPR instruction, and you may have to pass a practical exam as well.
Most employers also expect fitness trainers to have a high school diploma. If you are specializing in a specific fitness technique like Yoga or Pilates, you may need additional training and certification.
If you are leaning toward becoming a director of a non-profit organization, you will most likely need a bachelor’s degree, although some organizations may not require a degree, while others may prefer a candidate with a master’s degree in business administration. Other positions, such as accountants, communication directors, and other professional positions, will require a bachelor’s degree related to the specific discipline. In addition to management and other professional positions, Jewish non-profit organizations hire office personnel to answer phones and perform basic office duties. These positions do not require a college degree. Instead, most require a minimum of one to two years of office experience and familiarity with basic office equipment and procedures.
For kosher restaurants, a degree is not a requirement to attain food and beverage service positions, although management positions at some operations may require one. To become a manager at a Jewish food service facility, you may want to look into acquiring a degree in food service or hospitality management. You will also not need to obtain a college degree to work in a kosher food factory, although you may need one to land a professional job at one, such as manager, accountant, or marketing director.
Perhaps being an advertising sales rep for a Jewish newspaper is appealing to you. The educational requirements for advertising sales representatives vary from company to company. Some newspapers will require that their sales representatives hold a bachelor’s degree, while others do not. Instead, what some media companies may require is demonstrated success as a sales representative, and years of experience. The companies that do require a degree do not usually prefer a particular field of study, although business, communications, and other liberal arts degrees are common among sales representatives. If you want to be a writer or editor for a Jewish newspaper, you will need to receive some secondary education in your field, whether through a traditional four-year college or a technical college that focuses on newspaper writing. Most liberal arts colleges offer coursework in writing and other applicable programs. Visit the freelance writing jobs section of JobMonkey for more information.
Administrative and general office assistants do not need a college degree, but should have earned a high school diploma or GED.
Common Job Requirements
People interested in becoming fitness instructors and personal trainers should have in-depth knowledge of human physiology and basic training and fitness techniques. They should also know how or have the ability to inspire their clients to work out. Fitness trainers should also be in excellent physical condition, since a great deal of their work will involve physical activity.
Professionals who are leading non-profit organizations must have knowledge of current and effective management techniques, as they will be directing the efforts of the entire organization. These professionals may also need to have knowledge of current fund raising methods, or may be expected to have good working relationships with other leaders in the community. Depending on the kind of services the organization provides, leaders will need to have knowledge of the changing needs of the population they serve. Other professionals in this faith-based sector will need to have knowledge specific to their jobs. For example, an office manager will be expected to have knowledge of how all the office equipment functions, as well as how to keep the office running smoothly.
Food and beverage service providers should have excellent customer service and communication skills. These jobs require servers that are patient and work well under pressure. Managers in this field should have previous management experience at a food service operation, and have excellent communication and customer service skills.
The skills and abilities you may need to land a food manufacturing job vary according to the company, product, and job. Manual dexterity and experience handling machinery may improve your chances of getting this kind of job, as well as the ability to work well as part of a team.
Advertising sales representatives for Jewish newspapers will need to have some knowledge of general sales techniques, although some organizations prefer to train new hires with no previous experience. It is very important for sales representatives to have extensive knowledge of the medium they are selling, the benefits clients will derive from advertising, and their particular paper’s demographics. The knowledgeable advertising sales person seeks to maximize the advertiser’s sales dollar and rate of return. Writers and editors of newspapers are required to have some knowledge of what is important to their readers so they can provide relevant content. They should also have excellent editorial skills, a command of the English language, and the ability to produce quality content under deadlines.
Administrative assistants will need to know how to use common computer programs to do their work, as well as general office procedures and skills.
Average Salary Information
Like other faith-based jobs, the salaries for these positions vary widely and depend on the type of position, the size of the operation, and your previous experience. Fitness trainers usually earn a yearly salary. Most professional jobs such as non-profit director, managers, writers, and editors also earn a yearly salary. Food manufacturing workers earn an hourly wage, and so do food and beverage workers, who also earn tips. Advertising sales representatives usually receive a salary plus commission, or commission alone. Some may also receive bonuses for meeting or exceeding sales goals.
The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics’ salary information can be used as a general guideline of what people in these positions earn. Keep in mind that faith-based employers may pay more or less than this average. The figures that follow were based on information gathered in 2008.
Fitness employees earned an average yearly wage of $29,210. The middle 50 percent earned between $19,610 and $44,420. The bottom 10 percent earned less than $16,120, and the top 10 percent earned $60,760 or more. These figures do not include the earnings of the self-employed.
The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported that most managers of social agencies like non-profit organizations earn an average of $26.92 an hour, or $55,993.60 per year. Social workers earned an average salary that ranged from $14.87 per hour up to $19.01 per hour, depending on the kind of social work performed. General office personnel in this sector received an average of $12.17 per hour, and volunteer managers earned an average annual salary of $32,000.
In the food and beverage service industry, the median hourly wages (including tips) of waiters and waitresses were $8.01. The middle 50 percent earned between $7.32 and $10.35. The lowest 10 percent earned less than $6.73. The highest 10 percent earned more than $14.26 an hour. For most waiters and waitresses, higher earnings are primarily the result of receiving more in tips rather than higher hourly wages. In the manufacturing sector, supervisors earned an average salary of $38, 064 per year, inspectors earned an average annual amount of $20,093, and packers earned an average annual salary of $18,678.
According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, advertising sales representatives at newspapers earned an average yearly salary of $38,100 per year, while average annual wages for salaried writers and authors were $53,070. General office employees of publishing companies earned an average salary of $25,355.
Potential Career Paths
Fitness instructors may become supervisors or managers, if their organization is large enough, or they may choose to open their own business as a personal trainer for specific clients. Non-profit directors can be promoted to managing larger operations within their organization, or becoming a manager at the headquarters of the organization, or can advance their careers by obtaining a similar job at a larger organization. Workers at Jewish newspapers and publications can be promoted to supervisors, managers, or editors of their companies. Food manufacturing workers can also earn promotions to supervisors and managers. Advertising sales representatives can often be promoted to upper management positions, not just in the sales department, but for the organization as a whole.