DVD and CD Sales

A decade ago, CD unit sales were an integral part of the payoff for these companies. Software distribution, however, has flipped this business model on its head.

DVD's and CD's were a Popular Method of Listening too Music or Watching Content. Not Anymore

Instead of driving to the local music store to purchase the latest release, we download it onto a portable player or our newest cell phone.

All of this has directly affected the roles and positions of the people that make the music business go around. Job responsibilities have blended, some have been eliminated, and others have been created. All as a representation of the times.

With the exception of DVD pirating and the security of pre-released films being threatened, the film industry actually has been doing quite well. “Advancements in technology have created more avenues for visual programming than ever before,” states Jay Noble, Director of Alumni Relations at Full Sail Real World Education in Winter Park, Florida. Once again, the availability, affordability, and portability of equipment have allowed stifled visionaries to enter the game. “One look at the credits for today’s major motion pictures (compared to those of 10 or 20 years ago) will certainly show that digital technology has become a cornerstone in the production and post-production process.” Marc Loftus, Senior Editor for Post Magazine reflects a similar opinion.” Currently, the growth of mobile devices – cell phones, PSP, iPod, etc., are creating a demand for more content. This is opening up opportunities for more individuals to create content cost effectively and I see this trend continuing,” says Loftus.

The constant advancement and growth in these trends will drive new avenues and ultimately open new doors for jobseekers in the Music & Film industry.


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