Contract Jobs in Entertainment
Understand that the norm in the film or music industry is the hiring of cast and crew, both technical and performance, on a project-by-project basis.

Lower cost equipment and software now allows more creative people access to the post-production world. What was once an expensive piece of post equipment is now much more affordable, so individuals are setting up their own studios where as in the past, there was a dependence on larger facilities,” states Marc Loftus, Senior Editor for Post Magazine. If you have exceptional talent and are reliable, you will typically get called again. The trick is to fill the pipeline enough so that the breaks between projects are shortened. The phrase ‘feast or famine’ definitely applies all of the entertainment fields.
Because of this, most of the cast and crew will be work for hire contracts that begin and end. This being the case there are a few pointers that will help with locating consistent gigs. You may wish to visit the ‘Resource Links’ section of this website for additional assistance.
Finding entertainment jobs in a corporate and or post-production environment is more prevalent. Note, too, that cruise ship entertainer jobs are also primary filled with contract workers.
Typically most of the administrative, legal, and consultative work is ongoing. As well, since production in television and film typically has tighter deadlines, with quicker broadcast times (development to air), work usually streams at a consistent pace. Although it may be more monotonous, there is usually so much work that someone must do it. It may as well be you. In this environment it is more realistic to land a paid staff position even though competition is fierce.