Diver Jobs on Cruise Ships
Many cruise ships in the Caribbean have full watersport programs and SCUBA diving certification courses available on the vessel.

Instructors need a valid instructor’s certification (PADI, NAUI, SSI) and a CPR certificate, and are also expected to generate enthusiasm for a water sport program. Some ships even provide windsurfing instructions and equipment. Since almost all ships have pools, people with lifeguard experience have a definite advantage. Cruise lines like to see applicants with creativity, confidence, and expertise. These are usually salaried positions with contracts anywhere from three months to six months.
If your employment contract ends, and you’re still looking for engaging, potentially lucrative diving work, then consider oil platform diving. Oil rig workers are in high demand with divers earning a good living. www.OilJobFinder.com is a JobMonkey partner and they are experts on oil industry employment.
Suffice it to say that licensed commercial divers and certified instructors have many job options within the diving field.