Indian Gaming Centers
Of the roughly 300 self-regulating Native American reservations in the United States, most now offer either Class II or Class III gaming activities operating more than 400 casinos in 28 states.

Most are located in the upper midwestern and southwestern states, with the highest concentrations found in Arizona, New Mexico, California, Wisconsin, and Minnesota. While many of the current Indian gaming casinos are small in terms of employment needs and profits, at least sixty have evolved into high-traffic, Vegas-type facilities. It is these types of operations we have profiled in our listings.
The first such place to hit it big was Foxwoods, owned by the Pequot tribe of Mashantucket, located in southeastern Connecticut. This plush casino resort amid towering cedars boasts sixteen restaurants, two hotels, and over 20,000 square feet of gambling space. Other Indian gaming casinos may never match the phenomenal success of Foxwoods, but they still bring economic opportunities to tribal members and the surrounding communities.